Fashion Colour Trends 2024: 9 New and Classy Shades to Try

Fashion Colour Trends 2024: 9 New and Classy Shades to Try

People often ask me what my favourite part of my job is, and I always say it’s the rush you get the second I’ve realised I’ve just uncovered a trend—something new and fresh (and that I can’t wait to tell all of you about!). Having said that, I don’t believe in following trends just because they feel current—they have to speak to you on a level that you know you’ll still love them, even when their time in the style spotlight comes to an end. 

Again, when people ask me which trends are worth investing in, I rarely give a specific answer. Instead, I direct them to colour trends. In fashion, colour trends move more slowly compared to other trends: I guess there’s only a finite amount of them, so they tend to have a longer lifespan than individual pieces. Fashion is cyclical, this we know, and colour trends have a tendency to come back around rather quickly. So, if looking timely is important to you, you can trust that said colours are sure to be prevalent again.